blue hawaii

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A Healthy Change.

Hello all!

So I went a whole week with no posts... shame on me.  That is not like me, but this week has been an exception.  Classes started back up from a month-and-a-half long break. It is very difficult to transition from six weeks of fun and vacationing back to school. But, being the geek I am, I was excited to start back up. :)

I am excited for this semester.  My classes are getting more and more in depth of my concentration, event planning. I have a night class (yuck!), but at least it is a class that I absolutely LOVE--Special Events & Promotions. It is going to be a lot of work, but it is exactly what I want to do with my I am excited to start! I also really like my teacher for the class.  She is a younger woman, which makes it easier to relate to her.  She also is the leading event coordinator of the city of York, which is where I live! (Connections are ALWAYS a good thing!)

Now that classes started back up, dance team is back! We had our first practice on Sunday. I made sure to stretch the week before so I was not in TOO much humiliating pain at practice...... It didn't work. I woke up this morning (Tuesday) and as any dancer or athlete would know, the second day is always worse.  So I am currently walking like an 86-year-old grandma with a bad hip and a serious hump back. I'd post a picture, but I can barely lift my arms up, nor do I think I have enough strength to press the shutter button.  Yea, it's that bad....Okay, maybe I exaggerated a little, but I hurt.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of school and dance and bookstore purchases, I had to do something very tragic.  I cut my hair...BIG time.  Now, to some of you that may seem like, "Uhh...ok?"  But anyone who knows me knows that I OBSESS over my hair.  It has always been long and thick and full and curly and nice.  But for the past couple months, it started thinning out, dying, breaking, had no volume, wasn't curly, and just overall looked depressing.  Has this happened to any of you? I did research and I think part of it was stress and my diet, but then I developed a terrible product build-up. Anyone who has ever had this knows it is MISERABLE! Moral of the story...Take care of your hair, ladies!  But yes, I got it cut...

I actually really like it.  I miss my long locks, but it feels so nice to have healthy hair again.  And it's a nice, new change.  I am proud of myself for taking this much-needed life step... :)  I am going to be spending some time learning new hairstyles for the short-hair species. 

Now time to finish some homework before I head over to the dance studio for a 9-11pm practice.
Talk to you soon! =)

Xo Victoria

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